Trust, Leap, and Learn

If you want to create momentum in your life, you must be willing to leap, trusting that everything you need is already inside you.

Government Career Paths in Public Recreation

If you have a love of nature, people, and community, a career in public recreation could be a great fit.

What Role Does Social Impact Play in Attracting Gen Z to Government Jobs?

Zoomers care about making a change and will choose careers with companies committed to a cause.

Your Work Culture Promotes or Prevents Bullying

Leaders must conduct regular values surveys that gather employee perceptions of how leaders behave daily.

Accepting Rejection As Part of The Executive Job Search Process

The executive job market is an arena of intense competition and distinctive demands.

Revolutionizing Local Government Recruitment: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence

In the government sector, AI is rapidly transforming traditional recruitment practices, offering unique solutions tailored to the complexities of public service hiring.

The City of Champions: The Power of Local Government Branding

The City of Champions: The Power of Local Government Branding

When Inglewood dubbed itself “The City of Champions” the proclamation produced enormous civic pride and instilled a great deal of inspiration throughout the community. Few mottos have the power to touch the hearts and souls of those tied to a City as much as one that speaks directly to the human spirit. A human spirit that combines character with grit and determination to succeed at a championship level, regardless of the endeavor.

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Effective Strategies to Reduce Costs and Utilization in US Healthcare

Effective Strategies to Reduce Costs and Utilization in US Healthcare

Our healthcare costs keep increasing much faster than inflation, year after year. According to figures released in December 2019 by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), the annual growth rate of healthcare spending was 4.6% in 2018, vs. 3.9% in 2017, 4.8% for 2016 and 5.8% for 2015. We spent $3.6 trillion in this area, or 17.8% of GDP.

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Information Governance Insights: Spring Cleaning Time!

Information Governance Insights: Spring Cleaning Time!

Groundhog Day has come and gone. Whatever the prognostication Spring is definitely on the way! This signals the ancient tradition of Spring Cleaning! It’s time to open the house up and get rid of the refuse that has gathered over the winter months. The same goes for all organizations. Information Governance Professionals should take a hint from human nature and have their own Spring Cleaning Day to review the existing files and, following the Records Retention Schedule.

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How to Overcome Ego Depletion

How to Overcome Ego Depletion

Each day you make over 35,000 decisions. Some you may not even notice, like choosing a bagel instead of cereal. Others, like choosing between putting in another hour at work or heading home early, take more consideration. It’s not uncommon after a long day of dedicated work to feel like our willpower is gone. This is a phenomenon known as ego depletion.

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Roadmap for Tomorrow

Roadmap for Tomorrow

Planning is key to success, if you do not have a plan for your life then you will just end up falling into someone else’s plan and your life will not amount to much but mediocrity. What is the future of work in America in the new era of automation, digitization and artificial intelligence? Now is the time to Plan and Prepare self in times of change.

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Communication Is the Heart of Leadership

Communication Is the Heart of Leadership

Recently, a staff member was discussing a problem with me that was affecting morale and moreover productivity. As I listened to the issues being laid out before me I was also listening to the issues not being said. Once they had completed their tirade and given me the emotional side of the conflict, I asked a simple question. So what’s your part in the conflict? Invariably the answer always comes back to some version of “I am the victim.” Now do not get me wrong there are many times when a manager is not a leader.

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Can the Increase of Tech Positively Impact Jobseekers?

Can the Increase of Tech Positively Impact Jobseekers?

Whether we are ready or not, the technology in HR continues to expand. For some, it has already expanded so much that they are unclear and confused as to which tool is needed for a task. Some jobseekers are still becoming acquainted with ATS (Advanced Tracking Systems), which I discussed in my October 2019 blog on how it affects resume writing for jobseekers. To the dismay of some, Talent Relationship Management systems (TRM) are now being added to the mix.

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It’s About What You Know!

It’s About What You Know!

The more the workforce transitions towards a more agile and technologically enhanced entity within society, the more complex the knowledge base will be. If your intent is to be the master of your own destiny, rather than being subservient to whatever destiny picks out for you in terms of a career, then the pursuit of knowledge is the key.

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Unrelenting Integrity – Built with Every Promise Kept

Unrelenting Integrity – Built with Every Promise Kept

Our integrity is maintained with every kept promise. If we live with unrelenting integrity, we might create a trend – in our work team, among our friends, in our neighborhoods – where others embrace unrelenting integrity in their lives. While getting others to embrace unrelenting integrity is beyond our control, if we can move the needle a bit that direction, greater trust, respect, and dignity might occur.

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How To Become A Better Negotiator

How To Become A Better Negotiator

When it comes to working with people, one of the best to have is the ability to negotiate. Being a great negotiator will help you reach goals you did not think were possible. Especially for some positions, like Careers In Government jobs for instance, where you may interview for positions with high stakes and responsibilities. Being able to negotiate will help put your best foot forward in business, negotiate contract terms and promotions.

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How to Motivate Your Millennial Employees for Retention

How to Motivate Your Millennial Employees for Retention

When I hear from my millennial clients that they are leaving their jobs it is usually one of three reasons. The first is that they are feeling bored, stagnant, and underutilized. After all, 64% of millennials would rather make less at a job they love than make more at a job they find boring. The second reason is that the workplace is lacking learning and growth opportunities to enhance their career potential. This is also demonstrated by the 64% of millennials who state that they will leave their job if they feel that there is a lack of career growth. The third is that they are seeking flexibility within the workplace.

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The Transition Decade

The Transition Decade

The start of a new year is always a wonderful opportunity to stop, do a stock-take of your personal and professional life and begin to plan what that transformation for the new year might look like for you. You may even draw on the ideas in last month’s article by David Ivers entitled “Personal and Professional Transformation. The notion here, of course, is how do you plan to be the best iteration of yourself at home and at work, each and every day of the new year? However, the year is now 2020 and the second decade of the 2000’s has been and gone and a new decade has just begun.

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Learn Your Boss So You Can Make Work-Life Easier for Both of You

Learn Your Boss So You Can Make Work-Life Easier for Both of You

Chances are you don’t have much choice about who your boss is, and these days, you may have more than one (i.e. if you serve on a short-term project combining staff–and leadership–from various departments.) You can save time and frustration by giving serious consideration to the approach, topics and personal agendas of the bosses you interact with regularly.

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