Mendocino County, CA

The robust economy in Mendocino County is certainly a plus for individuals who are interested in making the most of their careers. The unemployment rate in the county is just 5.10% and job growth is predicted to be around 35.27% over the next decade. Hundreds of local businesses flourish in the community, with many producing unique products that are offered all over the world. The wine producing industry is powerful in Mendocino County, and marijuana cultivation makes up approximately one-third of the local economy. Other major industries include logging, sawmills, and seafood preparation and packaging. Local and state government agencies offer some of the finest jobs in the area.
Average Individual Income
Average Household Income
Average Temperature
Commute time for workers in Mendocino County is only about 18 minutes each way, and 73% of residents drive their own vehicles to work. The Mendocino Transit authority is available for those who prefer to take public transportation, but few people use it to commute to and from work. While there is no commercial airport in the county, numerous airports in nearby locations are easily accessible.
If you’re ready to leave the crowds behind and still achieve optimal career success, Mendocino County offers the best of both worlds.
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