momentum.greenI’m part of a volunteer organization that went through a bit of a slump in the past few years.  We found ourselves begging for board members and scraping by financially.  Attendance at events was at an all-time low. The leadership team struggled to agree on a direction. Priorities were cloudy.

Have you ever found yourself in the situation of NOT Gaining Momentum?

And then, just like that, the team started gaining momentum.  Attendance at board meetings is now consistently high, our event calendar is clearly defined, and everyone keeps talking about our momentum.  Momentum feels great.

I can’t help reflect:  How did this happen? How did we gain this kind of momentum? What changed?  Here are a few observations:

  • The team has a new leader who is willing to try anything and challenge everything we’ve ever done.
  • The new leader has a clear vision for the organization’s future and envisions big things.
  • The team is meeting more regularly than ever before and has created sub-teams to tackle critical issues.
  • The team has established protocols for communication, using Google docs and the project management tool, Asana.
  • Quarterly, facilitated strategy sessions are being held which have produced a new organizational structure, a redefined mission, and a clarification of roles.

The ball is rolling, and as a result, the team is producing measurable results, and members are more committed to the organization than ever before.

As you think about your team, I challenge you to ask yourself, “What am I doing to build momentum?” 

Your team looks to you to forge the path, to set the tone, to create the momentum.  Ask yourself and then ask your team these momentum-building questions:

  • If we had no barriers and could accomplish anything, what would we do?
  • What are our highest priorities for this year?
  • If we could accomplish just three things this year, what would be the most meaningful accomplishments?
  • What changes can we make as a team that would have the greatest impact on our productivity?
  • When we get to the end of this year and reflect back, how will we have defined success?  What will we be most proud of?

These questions, and questions like these, allow you to begin a conversation that creates momentum.

I recently had the opportunity to hear guitar virtuoso Mike Rayburn, CSP, CPAE speak at a professional association meeting.  Mike challenged us to “write music we can’t perform.”  He said we can’t coast and expect to make any progress. His line was, “Coasting is always downhill.”  Momentum requires us as leaders to set a clear vision, challenge the status quo, and believe that anything is possible.  Providing vision and an exciting possible future is what all great leaders do.

Have you created momentum lately?


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