Public Policy: The Good & Bad

Public Policy: The Good & Bad

Local, regional and even national public policy brings both opportunity to grow and evolve, and on occasion, a related opportunity to step back to a previous position or place if a policy doesn’t work.  Two excellent illustrations of ‘the choice after the choice’ I...

Boomers and Millennials: Gen-X to the Rescue!

Boomers and Millennials: Gen-X to the Rescue!

As many are aware, the generations have aligned on the American workplace like the planets in some science fiction movie.  However, this does not have to alert us to the doom of the known world as with so many of those movies.  Now don’t get me wrong, I love a good...

Why Women Should Not Shy Away From Leadership Positions

Why Women Should Not Shy Away From Leadership Positions

It is a well-known and controversial topic that nationally, we are lacking women in leadership positions both in the public and in private sectors. The campaign to ban the word “Bossy” has received plenty of media attention as has the one encouraging women to lean in....

HR Innovation Plan 2014

HR Innovation Plan 2014

Our CEO Stan has started taking Xanax, an anti-anxiety pill Why is he worried? The revenue stream from new products is only “semi wow “due to limited innovation and feeble leadership provided by R&D Chief Comrade Carl Marks and his hapless team. Since Comrade Carl...

Take Charge of Your Career – Planning Your Next Step

Take Charge of Your Career – Planning Your Next Step

Have you been thinking about your next career step or perhaps striking out in a different direction or with a new organization? Do you know someone who is on the precipice of a big leap in a new direction? Protracted government cutbacks and a free-agent job culture...

A Career In Public Safety

A Career In Public Safety

In pursuing A Career In Public Safety, I needed a new suit for several upcoming interviews as I ventured into a career in Public Safety. I visited a men’s clothing store and was helped by a salesman who presented himself with a “kindred spirit” like connection. In the...

Why We Need More Women in Government

Why We Need More Women in Government

Government officials are the representatives of the people, whether they are working at the local, state or even federal level. The problem with the government is that men significantly outnumber women as representatives. The United States has a very low rate of...

Performance Management: A Leadership Perspective

Performance Management: A Leadership Perspective

Recently, I have been challenged to understand the relationship between leadership and performance management.    This relationship is important to understand because performance metrics are found everywhere.   You can’t escape them.   From test scores, to quotas, to...

LinkedIn: Construct a Clickable and Compelling headline

LinkedIn: Construct a Clickable and Compelling headline

So you’re pretty chuffed with your job title and like so many others have included it in your LinkedIn headline.  The truth is, to make the right first impression you need more than a fancy job title (and good dress sense).  The highly valuable headline space is your...


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