Challenges of Building Soft Skills
Emotional intelligence is the most important soft skill, and it makes you stand out in a crowd.
Emotional intelligence is the most important soft skill, and it makes you stand out in a crowd.
What would be possible for you if you changed your choices? If, when you look at a situation, you actually chose how to respond instead of just reacting.
Sleeping on the job is typically frowned upon, and if you work for the federal government, it’s actually officially a workplace taboo. In November 2019, the U.S. government banned naps at work. The General Services Administration issued a statement that said all persons are prohibited from sleeping in federal buildings, except when such activity is expressly authorized by an agency official.
The holidays evoke feelings of joy and excitement, as well as stress and perhaps anxiety toward family gatherings. With today’s politically charged climate, it’s likely there could be some uncomfortable conversations around the dinner table. Instead of succumbing to the family fights, use the opportunity to strengthen your mental fitness.
Imagine walking into a meeting where you’re going to deliver some tough news to your team. You expect pushback. You know you’ll have to come up with good answers to potentially tricky questions. You’re not exactly looking forward to it.
Let’s face it: How many of us really want to be the passenger on an airplane with an exhausted, pilot at the helm? When you’re in a leadership role, managing your own energy is vital to your ability to impact and influence others.
We are busy.
In fact, we’re busier than we’ve ever been.