Public Sector vs. Private Sector

Public Sector vs. Private Sector

After working in the private sector for over 25 years, I took up a senior position in the public sector last year, so I guess this article was always going to be written.
My assessment of both systems.

You’re In Charge of an Event. Now What?

You’re In Charge of an Event. Now What?

Your boss has asked you to take charge of an event.
You’ve attended plenty of events, but never taken charge of one. How are you supposed to make sure it comes off without a hitch?

Information Governance Insights: In with the New!

Information Governance Insights: In with the New!

Happy New Year! This is the start of my fourth year writing this blog for Careers in Government and I am sure many of you that have been following it are wondering what there is left to discuss on the subject of Information Governance? The answer to this can be found in the time honored tradition of “out with the old, in with the new”! Every organization uses the new year to act on some new strategic plan and every Information Governance must be ready for it.

How to Wow a Prospective Employer with Your Potential

How to Wow a Prospective Employer with Your Potential

One of the frustrations job seekers identify is the limitations of the resume and job interview for putting across who they really are. They may lack experience and their qualifications are no longer enough to convince employers. Many employers are risk-averse, particularly in tough economic times, and go for the tried and tested candidate. How do you get across your potential and persuade an employer you are a better bet?

Land Your Dream Job in 2018

Land Your Dream Job in 2018

One of the most helpful things you can do is to start polishing your search methods as soon as possible-so that you can dive into the 2018 job listings with a rejuvenated attitude. At Professional Résumé Services, we have compiled an assortment of helpful questions to ask when job hunting and writing a professional résumé to start your new job search.

3 Tips for Being a More Engaging Speaker

3 Tips for Being a More Engaging Speaker

Jerry Seinfeld once said, “According to most studies, people’s number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death. Death is number two. Does that sound right? This means to the average person, if you go to a funeral, you’re better off in the casket than doing the eulogy.” Rafael Baptista continues his public speaking column with hopes of calming your fears whether you’re speaking at a council meeting or a wedding reception.

Rejecting Complacency

Rejecting Complacency

A couple months back I listened to a TED Talk by Jon Bowers titled, “We should aim for perfection – and stop fearing failure”. I could not help but consider the relationship between ideas on perfection and failure to the recent trend of near daily stories of sexual harassment and impropriety of men in positions of power.

The Corporate Hiring Process and How to Rock Each Stage

The Corporate Hiring Process and How to Rock Each Stage

From the job seeker’s perspective, the hiring process begins with sending in your official application to an open position. The application usually involves your resume, possibly a cover letter, and completion of an application form, which may cover much of the information already revealed in your resume. While the online application may seem redundant, it serves the purpose of ensuring the hiring team has comparable information to consider from each candidate.

Must-See Management Talks All Business Leaders Should Watch on YouTube

Must-See Management Talks All Business Leaders Should Watch on YouTube

Managers and leaders are knowledge-thirsty by nature, constantly looking for ways to improve upon their existing skill-set. On top of this, they are looking for techniques to motivate and inspire their workforce. Though most successful people tend to spend a lot of their time reading, we’re lucky enough to live in an environment where we can digest information in a variety of different ways.


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