Talent Thieves Are Lurking

Talent Thieves Are Lurking

When our house was robbed a few years ago, it caused us to re-evaluate how we secured our valuables. Since that fateful day, an alarm system, window locks, and security doors have been put in place to help secure our most valuable possessions. We feel safer, but we...
Redefining the Public Sector

Redefining the Public Sector

I recently heard a speaker ask, “What do you believe that you wish you didn’t?” It is a question we’re all being forced to consider these days as we go about the important work of redefining public sector employment. The expectations of a guaranteed pension, rich...
Employee Retention: Who Brings Value

Employee Retention: Who Brings Value

Public agencies across the United States are facing a silent threat. As budget cuts are implemented and benefits are slashed, employees are considering their options. Working for a public agency isn’t what it used to be and employees know it. The greatest threat...

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