About Shelley Row

Named by Inc. as one of the top 100 leadership speakers, Shelley Row, P.E., CSP is an engineer and former SES government executive. Shelley engineers leaders to see beyond the data to add relational skills to their technical skills for more effective delegation, decision-making and communication. Learn more at www.shelleyrow.com.

Website: http://www.shelleyrow.com

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Posts by Shelley Row:

Sometimes It’s Best to Wait for It

Sometimes It’s Best to Wait for It

I smiled as I watched the dad with his two-your old son scurry to the hotel escalator. The dad held his son’s hand firmly and flew him a few inches off the ground to land squarely on the moving step. The boy giggled and wiggled as if he was on an amusement park ride. On the ride down, the little boy leaned forward in anticipation as if ready for take-off. I cringed with worry envisioning sharp escalator teeth against soft, baby skin. But his dad calmly said—“No, not yet. Wait for it.”


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