Shared Values and Common Goals

Shared Values and Common Goals

A leader’s job is to get things done through others. In order to make sure this is happening, organizations carefully monitor all sorts of data–production, sales, profits, market share, deadlines–and more.

5 Reasons Why 57% of Employees Don’t Trust Their Leaders

5 Reasons Why 57% of Employees Don’t Trust Their Leaders

Have you ever wondered about the state of modern leadership? There are many published articles covering the importance of trust in a workplace, how distrust can cost your company, and how to improve trust levels within your business, but are you fully aware of just how many employees trust their managers?

4 Things Your Team Needs from You

4 Things Your Team Needs from You

Chances are, you are a leader at work. Whether you have direct reports or not, in some way, shape or form, you have to demonstrate leadership qualities.

Just Send Us Your Resume

Just Send Us Your Resume

A good resume gives information about you, a great résumé tells a story, so that you (the employer) feel compelled to ask questions and learn more.

The Boss Who Has Your Back

The Boss Who Has Your Back

She smiled for the first time that day. It was the start to a beautiful mentoring relationship. She
always had my back after that day. I learned a valuable lesson on leadership in that awful,
horrible day. The VP who initially had her back firmly against the wall in a defensive posture
took the time to think things through and took a risk on a naïve, but passionate kid. It made all
the difference for me.

Do You Know Your Value? Why Self-Belief Matters

Do You Know Your Value? Why Self-Belief Matters

One of the factors for job and career success is the value you add. Sometimes you can quantify it, like exceeding targets or the increase in dollars from implementing a creative idea. Other times it’s more intangible, like how you make people feel and the support you give as a valued colleague.

When Superstitions Become Traditions and Organizations Become Timid

When Superstitions Become Traditions and Organizations Become Timid

On a recent business trip to Philadelphia, I had the opportunity to speak at and attend a national conference hosting campus law enforcement professionals from around the world. After checking in and arriving to my room late the first evening, I hadn’t noticed an oddity that would immediately catch my attention the following morning.

Succession Planning From 5,000 Feet

Succession Planning From 5,000 Feet

A key question to ask related to succession planning is, why are you doing it? Another question might be, what do you want the successors to be prepared to do? These two questions fit well together and if they are both not answered with the best thinking you can muster, your succession planning effort could be just checking another box in your organizational life.

Interview Tips: “Tell Me a Little About Yourself” (Just Not Too Much)

Interview Tips: “Tell Me a Little About Yourself” (Just Not Too Much)

Often, the first question you’re asked during an interview is one of the most difficult; “Tell me a little about yourself.” It’s so broad that it can be hard to know where to begin. What are the most important pieces of information to share without rambling? Check out these tips on how to avoid stumbling on the first step.


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