The End of Days: Leaving Your Job

The End of Days: Leaving Your Job

“And did you get what you wanted out of life, even so?”

This wonderful quote used in the ‘2016 Commencement Speech’ at Harvard Graduate School of Education, is poetic, poignant and prophetic. Derived from a poem by Raymond Carver, it captures our imagination, in particular as it is one the major questions in life that we all must answer, according to Professor James Ryan, Dean of the Harvard Graduate School of Education.

The Authenticity Factor

The Authenticity Factor

In my work with clients around the globe, I hear about team members’ frustrations with their leaders all the time. These frustrations are often based on the leader’s lack of consistent authenticity.

My Two Hands and Ten Fingers

My Two Hands and Ten Fingers

These days, I regularly find myself carrying out a review of each day. In a busy life, it appears to be a little mechanism that has evolved to help me keep some kind of check on progress, or otherwise. A daily instrument to help me impose some order on an often hectic schedule.

A Greener Form of Human Resources

A Greener Form of Human Resources

There are a great many industries in which individuals who have successfully completed a career track in one area will often seek and find a like opportunity in another line of work, often for a nearly-identical job. Here are just a few of the many examples we may be more familiar with

Prevent Your Organization From Succumbing To Red Tape

Prevent Your Organization From Succumbing To Red Tape

One thing most leaders can agree on is that organizations need rules; how else can fairness and consistency be ensured across the organization? But when rules devolve they can inhibit efficiency, effectiveness, sanity, well-being, and more.

Career Moves: Where Do You Want to Be?

Career Moves: Where Do You Want to Be?

It’s often tempting in life to do what’s easiest and in front of us rather than stepping back to take a wider and more considered view. Doing something, anything, can feel better than nothing at all. Although tactics may get you somewhere, however, is it where you want to be?


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