What To Do When You’re Under Review

What To Do When You’re Under Review

With the government putting pressure on local councils to make savings and work more efficiently, it is becoming increasingly common for directorates within local government authorities to go through a review process. The intention of this is usually to look at...
6 Signs You Are About to Be Fired

6 Signs You Are About to Be Fired

Everyone dreads the boot that come flying out of nowhere. I’m not just talking about a flying shoe in the air. I’m talking about termination, pink slips, bye-bye letters, or whatever you want to call it. I hardly believe that anyone would be “pleased” when and if (God...
Self Promotion Is Not Just About You

Self Promotion Is Not Just About You

People are too busy today to go out of their way to find, recognize, and reward you in the workplace. The good news is that you can create the visibility and credibility you need to move your career forward. You can control how others perceive you in the work...
Performance Issues in the Workplace

Performance Issues in the Workplace

Joe had always been a strong performer, but in his new role he really seemed to be slacking off. His boss, Hannah has tried to coach him, but he’s not improving. It’s not helping that he gets so defensive. She’s starting to think she made the wrong selection. It’s...

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