Numbers Speak Louder than Words

Numbers Speak Louder than Words

We’ve all heard the phrase “actions speak louder than words.” Well, when it comes to resumes, “numbers speak louder than words.” When you start changing your resume to be achievement based rather than duty based, a great thing to focus on is quantifiable experience....
Your Career: Be Ready to Advance it

Your Career: Be Ready to Advance it

Change is inevitable in the business environment, with globalization and the constant evolution of technology. To stay competitive, businesses must keep up with the rapid pace of change, and employees often shoulder the responsibility for making the change happen. But...
Waiting by the Mailbox

Waiting by the Mailbox

In our careers and in our lives, there are moments of key importance when news finally arrives that we have expected impatiently for a long time. The wait by the mailbox seems interminable. The HR Doctor remembers as though it were yesterday running to the mailbox...

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