Rekindle Your Career with Legos and a Dream

Rekindle Your Career with Legos and a Dream

Four weeks ago, I was approached with an opportunity some only dream of, and many, myself included, never thought was a possibility.  I met with a Chief Information Officer (CIO) of a small to medium size city, and in essence, I was asked what I can and want to do. ...
Gender Wage Gap: What No One Reveals

Gender Wage Gap: What No One Reveals

There was a recent study conducted by Payscale that illustrates the harsh truth behind the gender wage gap. Women earn 25.6% less than men when all men are compared to all women. This is only a dismal 74 cents on the dollar. Ladies, we are worth a lot more than this....
Is an Umbrella Career Right for You?

Is an Umbrella Career Right for You?

Is an umbrella career right for you? Imagine you are holding a large umbrella. What colour or colours is your umbrella? Is the rain lashing down or is the sun beaming hot rays? Under your metaphorical umbrella are all your varied interests, the ones that energize you...
The Art of Effective Networking

The Art of Effective Networking

What does it take to become a master in effective networking? Should you follow up while networking? This article will try to answer all those questions that you have about networking. Read on! For most, networking is as tough as striking a conversation in a strange...

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