USAJOBS Already Knows Your Questions

USAJOBS Already Knows Your Questions

By Leia O’Connell, MSW Contributor, Career Coach Fresh out of college (many years ago), I remember starting my first real job search with little to no guidance. The basics of how to use a job search engine were obvious, but I did not truly understand the mechanics of...

Stop Bullying: Stand Up and Show Up

Stop Bullying: Stand Up and Show Up

Bella, a fifth grader fighting a life-threatening blood disorder, was paired with the Denver University Division 1 women's volleyball team as part of Team Impact.  She was given a locker and helped out at practices. Because of her illness, she has to wear hearing...

In Defense of Multitasking: Sort Of

In Defense of Multitasking: Sort Of

Multitasking gets a bum rap. Conventional wisdom is now claiming that multi-tasking is a bad thing. That you really can’t concentrate on more than one thing at a time. I’m here to tell you that… They are right. Partially. I fully agree that multitasking has its...

Career Happiness: How to Build Your Positivity

Career Happiness: How to Build Your Positivity

Every one of us can choose our attitude and it’s often self-fulfilling - the way we think about a situation can change the way we experience it. It could be the difference between you getting, keeping or losing your job and finding a fulfilling career. And it does...

How to Build your Career as a Hazardous Waste Manager

How to Build your Career as a Hazardous Waste Manager

Hazardous wastes constitute only a small segment of the entire waste produce of our nation. At the same time, it’s truly important for us to remove hazardous wastes in a proper way so as to keep all environmental and human health concerns at bay. It’s necessary for...

PSSX: The Public Safety Stock Exchange

PSSX: The Public Safety Stock Exchange

As most of us know well, England voted and chose to leave the European Union in what became known as “Brexit”.  An immediate reaction to that decision was an immediate and significant decline in the financial markets around the world.   Yet, in just the few weeks...

Remembering the Untold Story of Women Who Broke the Glass Ceiling

Remembering the Untold Story of Women Who Broke the Glass Ceiling

When I tell my story about recruiting women for high-level government jobs back in the 1970s, I often hear - from younger women - that they had no idea the hurdles we had to overcome to strive for equality for women in the workplace. I grew up in a world these young...

LSAT: All You Need to Know For Exam Success

LSAT: All You Need to Know For Exam Success

Most law schools approved by the American Bar Association require applicants to take the LSAT (Law School Admission Test) for admissions and to prove they have what it takes to succeed in law school. If you’re aiming for some of the top law schools, you’ll need to...

Stark Realities for New Leaders

Stark Realities for New Leaders

In the same way people without children can’t really know what it’s like to have kids until they do, you can’t really know what it’s like to be a leader until you actually lead. Even in organizations that invest in leadership development struggle with helping new...


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